If you have a blog or website with articles or long text documents, markdown is your friend. It makes authoring documents so much easier and more intuitive than straight HTML. Markdown has a far smaller learning curve than HTML and can easily be taught to non-tech-savvy writers. Markdown editors are also built-in to headless CMSs like Contentful.
In this tutorial I will show you how to take a markdown document, convert it to HTML and then style it using React JS, React-Markdown and SASS.
We will need the following packages for this tutorial:
So let’s begin by installing our dependencies:
npm i react-markdown react-syntax-highlighter rehype-raw remark-gfm sass
Next, let’s create our markdown rendering component:
Now let’s create our SASS styles:
That’s it! It’s that simple. You can override any of the HTML elements converted by react-markdown
to apply any CSS styles you wish.
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